Posted on April 17, 2022April 17, 2022Categories Business, Machine LearningTags , ,

Customer Profiling using Clustering Analysis and Predict with Logistic Regression

Executive Summary 3 Data Understanding 4 Data Preparation 5 Dealing with Missing Value 5 Data Transformation & Feature Selection 6 Modeling 8 K-means Clustering 8 Visualising the distances between data points 10 First cluster plot with two centroids 10 Subsequent plots with more random centroids 11 Total within-clusters sum of squares 11 Elbow method 12 Average Silhouette Width 12 Gap Statistic 13 Results for k=4 Cluster Plot 13 Results for k=14 Cluster Plot 14 Mapped cluster numbers 16 Passenger profiles … Continue reading “Customer Profiling using Clustering Analysis and Predict with Logistic Regression”