Posted on April 17, 2022April 17, 2022Categories Business, Machine LearningTags , ,

Customer Profiling using Clustering Analysis and Predict with Logistic Regression

Executive Summary 3 Data Understanding 4 Data Preparation 5 Dealing with Missing Value 5 Data Transformation & Feature Selection 6 Modeling 8 K-means Clustering 8 Visualising the distances between data points 10 First cluster plot with two centroids 10 Subsequent plots with more random centroids 11 Total within-clusters sum of squares 11 Elbow method 12 Average Silhouette Width 12 Gap Statistic 13 Results for k=4 Cluster Plot 13 Results for k=14 Cluster Plot 14 Mapped cluster numbers 16 Passenger profiles … Continue reading “Customer Profiling using Clustering Analysis and Predict with Logistic Regression”

Posted on April 5, 2022April 17, 2022Categories Business, Machine LearningTags , , , ,

A survey of machine learning algorithms and approaches in different research areas

Table of contents 1. Introduction 2. Types of machine learning (ML) approaches 2.1 Supervised Learning 2.2 Unsupervised Learning 2.3 Reinforcement Learning 3. Summarised characteristics of the applicable ML algorithms in this survey 4. Selected Research Areas For Comparison and Discussion 4.1 Indoor Localization 4.1.1 Common algorithms used in Indoor Localization 4.1.2 Key issues 4.1.3 Comparisons of results and performance 4.1.4 Conclusion for ML approach in Indoor Localization 4.2 Sepsis Detection in Biomedical Science 4.2.1 Common algorithms used in Sepsis Detection … Continue reading “A survey of machine learning algorithms and approaches in different research areas”